Classical Ballet

The Classical Ballet Program at Dance Arts Los Alamos is a progressive program that challenges dancers with the fundamentals of the Vaganova, Cecchetti, and RAD Techniques of Classical Ballet. Students are expected to master essential technique per level in order to progress to the next level up. Our instructors incorporate exercises that foster creative leadership, problem solving, teamwork, dexterity, flexibility, artistic expression, and so much more. At DALA, levels are based on ability and strength; age may be used as a guide when ability and strength are in question. The levels of our program are as follows:
Ballet 2
This level begins the Intermediate idea of Classical Ballet. Dancers are expected to exhibit knowledge and execution consistently in order to progress. This level is intended to begin the introduction of Pointe Technique. Recommended 2 classes per week for proper progression. (1.5 hours per class)
Ballet 3
Continuing with the Intermediate development of Classical Ballet, students are pushed to enhance their technical prowess with a consistent approach while being introduced to more difficult theories and fundamentals. Recommended 3 classes per week for proper progression. (1.5 hours per class)
Ballet 4
An introduction to the Advanced level of Classical Ballet. Students are expected to exhibit a full base of knowledge in theory, vocabulary and body control. The expectation of 90% attendance is required in order to progress and master the technique. Recommended 4 classes per week for proper progression. (1.5 hours per class)
Ballet 5
This is the final level of the program. Students in this level should be prepared for admission into a University Dance Program or perhaps a traineeship into a professional company upon completion of this level. Recommended 5 classes per week for proper progression. (1.5 hours per class)

Beginning Pointe (Ages 9-13)
This is the first level of Pointe Technique. It is intended for dancers that are working towards their first pair of pointe shoes and those that are in their first and second year of Pointe Technique. Strengthening and theory exercises will build a structured and safe foundation for higher levels of Pointe Technique. Recommended 2 classes per week for proper progression.
Pointe with Ballet 3 (Ages 11-18)
This is the second level of Pointe Technique. Students will enhance the basics they’ve learned in Pointe 2 while building consistency with new ideas and fundamentals in the technique. In order for consistent strength and structure, dancers need to avoid missing class. Recommended 2 classes per week for proper progression.

Pointe with Ballet 4/5 (Ages 14-18)
This is the highest level of Pointe Technique. Students will progress all they have learned and focus on artistry while learning todays most popular Classical Variations. Recommended 4 Classes per week for proper strength training.
This class is for intermediate and advanced dancers. Variations is a classical ballet class that focuses on learning and perfecting popular variations from Classical ballets like The Sleeping Beauty, Le Corsaire, Don Quixote, and more.