General Studio Policies
Student Code
Students should be punctual and prepared with a positive and receptive attitude. Respect is the cornerstone of professionalism that is exhibited by a supportive and friendly demeanor.
Tardiness: Dancers are asked to arrive to class on time and prepared as part of the student code. It is at the discretion of the instructor to admit a dancer that is tardy.
Cancellations: Unfortunately there are situations when class is cancelled due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. If class is cancelled by the instructor, every attempt will be made to find a substitute, or a make-up class will be scheduled.
Make-up Classes: If a class is cancelled due to weather or a condition that not controlled by DALA, dancers are invited to make-up the class in an equal or lower level class at no additional cost. It is the responsibility of the family/dancer to attend the make-up class. Please notify the office if you are intending to make-up a class in another class.
Absence: Dancers are invited to take a make-up class in the event they are absent from one of their classes. Please notify the office if you are intending to make-up a class in another class.
Trial Class: If you would like to try out a class new to your schedule, the first one is always free to see if it’s a good fit. If you are new to DALA and would like to take a Trial Class please fill out the LIABILITY WAIVER [+].
Level Placement: At DALA, we level students based on ability not just age. We use age as a starting point.
Annual Evaluations: At the end of the year, DALA completes evaluations for dancers in the top 4 Ballet Levels. These evaluations are intended to highlight progress and advise on opportunities for improvement.
Parent Observation Week: DALA holds two Observation weeks per school year. This is an excellent occasion to sit in and see your dancer in action during their training.
Photography: Any photographs of class or rehearsal are prohibited due to copyrights and student liabilities.
Performance and Rehearsal Policies
Performances take a lot of work to put on stage, from auditions to the curtain rising. DALA is committed to offering the most professional performances possible. It is of the utmost importance that performers participating in the performances attend all rehearsals they are requested to attend. This ensures a safe and effective performance experience. Dancers that miss more than two (2) rehearsals without previous notification to the rehearsal directors will be removed from that section without a refund of costume and/or performance fees. In order to effectively provide the community with a professional tailored performance this policy will need to be enforced.